About Us
Your best partner in the grain business
We are a multi-disciplinary group of companies providing general supplies service to client’s world-wide with a dynamic specialization in Organic Grains trading and professional staff experience joint-ventured with reputable multi-national companies.

Dubai - UAE

London - UK

Khartoum - Sudan

Company Profile
To be the foremost service provider through our improved levels of customer services.
Offering comprehensive after-sales services and unlimited technical support by operating a dedicated customer service center.
To meet the challenge in providing fully end-to-end solutions, and deliver value-added services to clients.
Power of Teaming
Achieving goals that could not be achieved individually as we support decisions made by the group.
CEO Message
We are very keen to provide the cutting edge of service in the building industry by introducing fully customized true turnkey services, and new developed solutions from conception to completion, returning tangible values, maintaining high efficiency, and achieving a complete customer satisfaction.

Imported and Exported Brands
We’re proud to be connected to and working alongside some of the biggest names in their respective industries.

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